Coding Corner

Precision in Progress

Practice for PEC Code Quest

The practice problems for the upcoming PEC Code Quest are now available for you to sharpen your coding skills. Whether you're a seasoned coder or just getting started, these problems are designed to challenge and prepare you for the main event.

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Problem Overview

Dive into the world of Python,a programming language that blends power with simplicity.It's versatility extends from web development to the realms of data science and automation.It invites you to explore, innovate , create and working with these structures fosters a deeper understanding of algorithms, data manipulation, and the art of breaking down complex problems into manageable steps.

Find the Runner-Up Score!

In this problem, you're tasked with the calculation of final score that the team has secured.The problem teaches you how to work with manipulation & sorting of strings.You'll learn about strings and basic list operations.

Alphabet Rangoli

The problem deals with creating pattern based on strings.Your goal is to construct a rangoli alphabet pattern using strings.By solving,you will be trained in the concepts of string foramtting and standard libraries of Python.

Triangle Quest

In this problem,you have to deal with string handling and methods of python.You'll perform the problem using looping techniques and specific functions.At the end of the task you will be skilled in iterations and in-built methods of python.


Here,you are given with a set of text to deal with encryption.You have to encrypt the function and arrage in grid of rows and columns.For this you have to be expertise in concepts of encrypting a set of code and dispalying the constraints.

Key concepts

String Sorting
Python Libraries
Algorithmic Startegies
List Operation
Looping Techniques

Problem Overview

C is one of the basic progamming in computer science, showcasing real-world situations into coding and fun.Focusing on the concepts and the flow of program will establish a deeper understanding of stack operation,algorithms and the skill of solving real-world entities.

Diagonal Text

In this problem, you're tasked with displaying text in diagonal manner.Your goal is to print the given string in top-right to bottom-left order.In order to achieve this task you need to learn the concepts of indexing, looping techniques and multidimensional strings.

Word Count

Here, you're presented with a group of sentence.Your task is to count the number of words present in the given sentence and display it on the screen.For this you need know about the string manipulation.You will gain knowledge on how to handle strings.


In this problem,you will explore a scenario where you have to judge the number of goals and conclude the winner team.So you will be dealing with arrays and conditional statements to solve the given task.

Minimum Withdrawal

Here,you're showcased with a scenario in ATM machine.You have to calculate the number of withdrawals needed to satisfy the cash requirement of the user.This will make you to dive deep into the concepts of stack operations.

Problem Overview

Hashing techniques is used to stores key-value pairs, using a hash function to map keys to specific locations in string and arrays.This gives you better understanding in division hashing, multiplication hashing and double hashing.It involves techniques to handle cases where multiple keys hash to the same location, ensuring efficient data retrieval.

Make Palindrome-CF

In this problem, you're tasked with creating a longest palindrome.In order to solve this you have to deal with array manipulation and looping stategies.Atlast you would be knowing the key concept of palindrome and its flow of execution.

Ice Cream Parlor

Here,a scenario of icecream parlor in which you have to list the id numbers of different flavours.For this you have to learn deeply about the hashtable datastruture in order to solve this current scenario.

First Unique character

In this problem,you will be checking a set of string.To solve this you need to understand the concept of string indexing and slicing.You will learn the important aspects of string manipulation while solving the problem.

Longest Consecutive Seqence

While solving this problem you will be dealing with arrays.The key concept of array is required to accomplish this given task.You will be using array as key tool to find the sequence.

Key concepts

String Manipulation
Multidimensional String
Array Handling
Algorithmic Thinking
Hashing Techniques
Conditional Statements

Problem Overview

2D matrices and grids are fundamental structures in computer science, mirroring real-world scenarios from images and maps to game boards and spreadsheets. Mastering the procedures of working with these structures fosters a deeper understanding of algorithms, data manipulation, and the art of breaking down complex problems into manageable steps.

Matrix 90-degrees Rotation

In this problem, you're tasked with rotating a square matrix by 90 degrees clockwise in-place. You'll learn about matrix manipulation, in-place rotation techniques, and algorithmic thinking. By transposing the matrix and then reversing its rows, you can achieve the desired rotation. The problem teaches you how to work with nested loops, efficient data manipulation, and handling input and output.

Island Count Problem

Here, you'll explore a scenario involving land and water represented by a binary matrix. Your goal is to count the number of islands formed by connected land cells. To solve this problem, you'll utilize Depth-First Search (DFS) to traverse through connected land cells and determine the number of islands. You'll gain experience in graph traversal, recursive approaches, and efficient ways of handling large data structures.

MineSweeper Game Logic

In this problem, you're presented with a 2D grid of characters that need to be transformed based on specific rules. You'll perform transformations depending on the characters encountered in the grid, and these transformations might propagate to neighboring cells. Depth-First Search (DFS) will be your tool of choice to achieve this. The problem emphasizes recursive transformations, conditional logic, and systematic grid manipulation.

Key concepts

Matrix Manipulation
Graph Theory
Graph Traversal
Algorithmic Thinking
Conditional Logic