Coders Forum

Where Inspiration Meets Creation!

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Coders Forum:
            Where Passion Meets Innovation!

Welcome to Coders Forum, where the future of tech comes alive! If you're a student with a burning passion for programming and an unquenchable thirst for technical concepts, you've found your tribe.

  • Every month, brace yourself for an exhilarating coding contest that will put your skills to the test.
  • Our club is all about weekly meetups in the dynamic AV Hall, where we dive deep into stimulating discussions.
  • We celebrate your accomplishments with prestigious mentions on our Club Website and impressive E-Certificates.

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Do you have what it takes to surpass your coding aspirations and reach new heights?

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Fueling Success


QueryOverFlow is an Online Platform where you can ask Questions related to coding and get answers from the Club members.
Note: Exclusive for Coders Forum members.

Coding Practice

Refine your coding proficiency by engaging with the problems from the previous contests. Elevate your skill set through practical application and mastery of real-world coding scenarios.

Student Benefits

Discover how you can save on textbooks, access premium software, enjoy discounts at local establishments, and more.

CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

You'll explore Python, JavaScript, and SQL while harnessing the power of frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap with CS50.

Docker Essentials

Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications within lightweight, portable containers.

PyQt6 For Beginners

PyQt6 is a Python binding for the Qt framework, offering a powerful toolkit for creating desktop applications with a seamless integration of Python and Qt functionalities.

React JS For Beginners

Expand your knowledge of React with this online course. Discover advanced techniques, tackle real-world projects, and solidify your expertise in React development.